Quick Recorder is a shareware ($12) application which records AIFF sound files to your hard disk. It creates its AIFF sound files in the same folder as the application. It also can play AIFF sound files. You can set up the input gain level, the input source, and the recording quality. Note that changes to the recording quality settings don't take effect while the computer is recording. You can change the input gain level and input source while recording, with no problems.
Keyboard shortcuts
There are a few keys which you can use to control Quick Recorder. To press the record button, you can use the 'R' key. To stop recording or playing, press the escape key (esc) or press command-period (-.) To start playback or pause playing or recording, press the space bar.
If you find this application useful, please support shareware and send $12 to the author of Quick Recorder. You can send a check directly to:
Lucius Kwok
807 Keely Place
Philadelphia PA 19128
This is a fully functional version of Quick Recorder. It is not crippled in any way, nor will it expire or put up annoying messages asking you to send in your shareware fee. I've never really liked that.
I make no warranty whatsoever, either implied or expressed, as to the correct functioning of this software. When using this software, the user assumes all responsibility for any damages caused, directly or indirectly, by its use.
Lucius Kwok
email: <lucius@astro.temple.edu>
web: <http://astro.temple.edu/~lucius>
snail mail: 807 Keely Place / Philadelphia PA 19128 / USA